On Self Portraits

An idea that has been dormant for a while with me, is self portraits.

Yesterday, I was inspired. 5 seconds later, no makeup, hair a mess with my baby and her un-matched socks... I was off shooting. The images will not win awards, they are not fancy, styled, or the greatest images of all time... but, they are mine. Ours. Exactly as it was yesterday, in our life, our bedroom, our home... our moments. I'm grateful to have them, and have a sneaking suspicion that this will not be the last self portrait you see this year.

Want to be inspired? Check out what got me rolling yesterday Robyn from Little Bug Photography HERE, and another whole world of self portrait photographers on the ever amazing Sarah Rhoads Photographers HERE and HERE. Absolutely fabulous. What are you waiting for? Grab your camera, photograph you. Your moments. Today. and also, my new favorite photo of Maisie Lu.