Still Snowing.....

It is Christmas Eve, and Campbell River is beautifully covered with snow.

I can't help but think how fortunate I am, to have a warm house, a wonderful fella, a healthy little puppy..a beautiful family and friends that melt my heart. I am so grateful to be blessed with such amazing good fortune. Not a day goes by when I don't feel gratitude, but even more so at Christmas, when there are people still struggling.

May you appreciate the beauty of your world, your life, and if you are reading this now... I'd be tempted to say that you are one of the fortunate ones as well. Soak in all of the magic moments this holiday season, and although I'm sure you already do... give whatever you can, as often as you can. May you be warm, cozy and full of all things marvelous over the holidays. Above all, may you be showered with magic.

Here are a few images of our winter wonderland and little Frank in the snow.